Monday, February 13, 2006


TOXIC fumes in perfume?

Sweet or toxic?

Greenpeace announced four days before Valentines day that certain perfumes and colognes pose threats greater and smellier than may meet the nose.
After testing the ingrediants in 36 different brands of colognes Greenpeace found the two substances that they suspected to be "potentially hazardous", the man made chemicals Phthalate and Synthic musks.
Raising concerns for the safty of users around the world, the chemicals are able to enter the skin, and may be linked to negative health effects and they are detrimental to the environment.

Greenpeace is lobbying industries to gather and show that the use of harmful prodcuts such as these are not nescesary to the well being of chemical companies. Some companies that have agreed to be progressive in usuing cemical alternatives, mong these are Ikea, H&M, Samsung, and Puma. Other companies that have been modifying their chemical use on a lesser scale are Adidas, Unilever and Sony.

Although a wide variety perfumes tested positive for some amount of these harmful substances, some of the productes reported to have higher levels included Calvin Klein's "Eternity for Women" Jean Paul Gaultier's "Le male", the Body Shops "White Musk."
The scents with lower levels of these chemicals were Puma's "Jamaica Man" and Gloria Vanderbilts's "Vanderbilt" which showed no signs of containing any phthalates. Because of the varience in range for the levels of these chemicals in each scent, specualtions are being made about the necesity of having them in perfumes at all. There may be potential to phase them completely out of the perfume industry.
The restictions on these chemicals may prove safer for many, however it stands to hurt the chemical industries who are claiming job losses and and falling profits. These companies are asking for support, even from the white house, to file a lawsuit against the world trade organization if they try to ban these substances amoung others.

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